Boundaries is not an easy book to understand or digest. This difficulty is due to the authors’ intentionally integrating, and syncretizing biblical truth with psychology. Therefore, a reader has to sift every word to discern what is biblical and what is not. I am extremely grateful to Ed Welch for his article “Who Are We? Needs, Longings, and the Image of God in Man” in the Journal of Biblical Counseling, Fall 1994, because it fortified me with the biblical, and theological discernment I needed for the task.
Authors Cloud and Townsend, state that the goal of Boundaries is to help readers achieve the relationships and purposes God intends for his children (28). They define boundaries as the characteristics that define a person. In the authors’ words, “they define what is me and not me (31).” According to Cloud and Townsend, knowing one’s boundaries is what helps one determine their responsibilities, so they can take control of their lives. The authors go on to say one’s boundaries develop in relationship with God and others, primarily in the early years of life. Boundary conflicts are most often due to inadequate or negligent nurture in these early years. These conflicts can only be resolved by following the authors’ nine-step procedure. One can apply this procedure to every kind of human relationship, including a person’s relationship to self and God. Finally, the author’s warn that applying this procedure will be difficult, and not without inner and outer conflict, but in the end it will be worth struggle, because people with boundaries live happily ever after.
In spite of the authors’ claims, Scripture never commands people to develop boundaries, or take control of their lives. So where did the authors’ get the concept of boundaries? They got it from psychology. For example, on page 39, the authors write, “man’s most basic need in life is relationship.” They repeat this assertion on page 66 where they say, “Our deepest need is to belong, to be in relationship…” The idea that man must have his needs met in order to experience fulfillment began with Maslow. According to Scripture, man’s most basic need is not relationship, but regeneration, and the forgiveness of his sins. The authors’ view of man is that he is a needy psychological receptacle that must be filled with “relationship,” so that he can set proper boundaries in relationships with others. In contrast, the biblical view of man is that he is a depraved sinner who needs to be forgiven and born again (Rom 3:9-23; Eph. 2:1-3). Man’s receptacle is not empty. Instead, it is overflowing with pride, selfishness and wickedness. These sinful motivations manifest themselves in all man’s relationships, which inevitably lead to conflict and alienation. In short, man does not have a “boundaries” problem; he has a heart problem (Mark 7:21-23). Only adherence to the heart-changing gospel of Jesus Christ can cure him.
What is even more disconcerting is the authors attribute this same relationship need to God himself. The author’s wrote, “Like God, our most central need is to be connected (66). However, the God of the Bible has no needs and is completely satisfied with himself. In fact, his greatest pleasure is himself and his inexhaustible glory. For God to have greater pleasure in anyone or thing besides himself would be idolatry, because it would exalt the creature over the Creator. The reason that he loves man is for his own pleasure and glory, not because he is a needy God who needs relationships with human beings to be complete.
Cloud and Townsend also have an unbiblical view of sin and its source. They claim, “. . . many psychological symptoms such as depression, anxiety disorders, addictions, impulse disorders, guilt problems, shame issues, panic disorders, and marital and relational struggles, find their root in conflicts with boundaries (28).” Unfortunately, this list is simply a catalogue of sinful behaviors and attitudes renamed and redefined with psychological terms. According to Scripture, the source of these ungodly attitudes and behaviors is the human heart. As previously stated, God has only one plan for dealing with the human heart, namely the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The authors state the goal of the Boundaries is to aid readers in using biblical boundaries so that they can achieve the relationships that God intends for his children (28). However, it is not God’s intention that his children live by an unbiblical concept called boundaries. According to Scripture, specifically Gal. 5:16 and 5:25, all Christians are to live by the Spirit. This is also the main point of Rom. 8. The fruit of the Spirit as described in Gal. 5:22-23: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are precisely what is needed for healthy and harmonious relationships, not boundaries.
In closing, Boundaries is another example of the psychological teaching that has infiltrated the contemporary church. For almost two thousand years, the Gospel, the Holy Spirit, and the Scriptures have been sufficient to convert the souls of men, and empower them to live godly lives. However, according Dr. Henry Cloud, and Dr. John Townsend, these are no longer sufficient. Now we need boundaries. Ironically, on page 39 the authors promote the necessity of their psychological teaching by stating, “Many people have been taught by their church or their family that boundaries are unbiblical, mean or selfish.” How I wish this statement were true. Boundaries are unbiblical, mean and selfish because they lead people away from the all-sufficient truth of God’s Word. In former days, the church used to call this heresy. We had better return to those days before it is too late.
After having our Son and daughter-in-law cite "Boundaries" as their reason for extremely selfish behavior I could not agree more with this article. I always had a wariness toward these teachings, having read several of the books. I found that they produced selfishness within me when I tried applying them. It seemed that my behavior was in direct conflict with what the word of God would dictate and what a regenerated heart would produce!! I applaud you for taking a Biblical, courageous position toward this teaching and boldly speaking the truth. It gives me hope that not all of Christendom has been seduced by the many "mixtures" that are being taught as "truth" in the Body of Christ.
Thank you for this review. I have looked online and most review are entirely favorable to this book, not a lot of 'critical thinking'. I am living in a boundaries marriage, actually separated at my wife's request. and some very very harsh boundaries going on. No meaningful communication and very lengthy separation nd no willingness by her to reconcile or even willing to be willing. Unbelievable but Boundaries explains it as she is very strong believer in this teaching.
Its another gospel like what Paul wrote to the Galatians. Very very sad that the church is dishing out Christian coated psychology. Do you know of any other reviews that are as objective as yours? Please please send them my way as my church has bought into this stuff. I know for sure that I do not want a marriage back with boundaries topped by razor wire as I am sure my wife would like to have things. I see much more in the Bible about breaking down barriers [Ephesians], sacrifice, submission, allowing others to take advantage of us, not insisting on our rights and so on. I think God's heart is all about taking risks with His fallen creation and asking us to do the same by trying to hang in there in some form in any messy relationship, and there are so many, much more than getting into a fortress mentality to make sure our life is protected and guaranteed to be wonderful. It boggles my mind that the church is just sucking this up without doing its biblical thinking due diligence. But you have, and blessings to you!
Thank you
Within 4 months of getting married to a woman who met us 3 times, our son quoted the Boundaries book as to why he has cut off all communication with us, including his brother and sister. We had a very healthy close family until this. I keep reading this book and it is all about self and uses God to justify ungodly actions. I'd say run from this teaching.
I am in a group of ladies that meet to encourage and pray together and a few of them have read the boundaries book- one who is divorced and said it helped her get through the divorce. Eventually all the talk lead to an idea to do a group study and we bought the books. I just read through and listened to the chapter 1 session and I found myself asking where the scripture was and why in my heart this didn't seem to fit with anything I knew from the bible. That's what lead me to look for reviews and yours was actually the first one I read, hitting the nail on the head. I thank God for your post and will be praying about how to bring this up to my friends as a warning that it may not be as beneficial as we thought.
I have been reading Boundaries for a few days now and I do agree with you to an extent. I am taking from it what I need... It would be helpful that if you are negatively criticizing a book if you would provide an alternative book that could teach the topic properly (in your opinion). My feeling is that if you are going to be negative or complain about something, you should have an alternative, otherwise, you are just as bad as the author of this book since you can't do much better than. Make sense?
My response to the previous comment is read the New Testament. I know that sounds flippant, but that's not my intent. Scripture is authoritative and sufficient for dealing with all man's problems of living.
I agree.....the best alternative by far is to read and implement the teachings of the Bible. Its not really an alternative but it should be the starting point and the only authoritative frame of reference for all human relationships. Fine, God's truth is out there in the world as well but if what we think is God's truth out there in the world and if it contradicts the teachings in Scripture then God's Word trumps any other truth that seems to make sense no matter who is saying it and no matter what letters the authors have behind their names.Really all the wisdom necessary is already in the Bible but the sad reality is that most Christians do not read their Bibles enough and are ignorant of much of it and we are naturally drawn toward books with catchy titles and attractive covers where clever authors who do our thinking for us.
There appears to be a misunderstanding here. "Boundaries" is quite simple: God holds each person responsible for their own behavior. When we stand at judgement, we won't be held accountable for other's behavior. When the truth of each person's responsibility is blurred, the sin of blaming, manipulation and lies enter and damage relationships. By maintaining the truth of each person's responsibility before God and in relationships, we pursue obedience to God and responsible, God-honoring love towards each other.
God does indeed hold each person responsible for their behavior. Unfortunately, Boundaries fails to make that case biblically, and syncretizes what little biblical truth it contains with man-centered psychology.
Thank you for a well thought out review. It is a relief after so many Christians have ditched their Bibles in favour of this unbiblical teaching of half-truths and a whole lot of lies. I find it frightening how deeply Christians have bought into this. The half truths are what make the teaching so attractive and also why it is so dangerous. I attended one church that was deeply into this humanistic philosophy. They were also deeply into related “co-dependency” teachings. Soon people in the church who had sin problems were viewed according nine-step teachings, hence addicts living in perpetually recovering states. That was broadened to include anyone who tried to help a suffering person as having a life-long incurable relationship addiction (co-dependency), the cure for which was total isolation. The redemptive power of Christ was not taught and certainly not believed by the Pastor.
The Bible tells us that we will know a tree by its fruits.
A number of those whom leadership treated harshly according to “Boundaries” became bitter. Their faith was destroyed and they turned to getting revenge on Christians any way they could. Another friend who was mentally ill was first taught to demand his “boundaries” and his “rights” to pursue a crazy path. He was told that he must live alone and never tell anyone of his illness, because it would make them co-dependent on him. He was dead within the year. I am watching another friend who uses “Boundaries” as permission to do drugs. “I am an adult. I make my own decisions”. Once he is on drugs he goes psychotic. “Boundaries” teaches us that he must reap what he sows. Even though he is no longer in a rational state of mind, not able to help himself and is in a frightening downward spiral, he must suffer the “natural consequences” of his actions. I guess the question is how “rock bottom” can a person go? Is it Jail? The mental ward? Death? What about the innocent bystanders he could harm? I hate to say he is in this state, because his sister ignored the early warning signs and refused to intervene and get him to a safe place, because she had to respect his “boundaries”. Perhaps if he had been taught about “sin”, rather than “boundaries” he might not have had justification to do drugs and this horrifying destructive episode could have been avoided.
Now and then on the radio, I listen to the authors dish out "advice" ....the past two times I listened to them I was a bit surprised as to what their advice was...shameful.
1. they suggested to a man to sign divorce papers...WHAT??? - they spoke with this guy for less than 5 minutes, he had stated that his wife called him controlling & they implied by not signing the papers he was proving that..even though he had started biblical (real biblical) help & had been getting closer to God.....hummm..they offer a weak faith solution to a comfortable me focused wide path to nowhere but deeper into self.
2. today a woman called in, her brother is gay - his lifestyle was condemned by his parents & parents church. Their solution BOTH for her and him...what he has experienced is Toxic & he needs to remove himself and start taking "antibiotics for the parent & church toxicity" via a more lenient church & certainly get away from the toxic parents!! ...all this advice with in 3 blocks of driving time in my car...hummm again weak faith. I have an idea they view the path a a very WIDE one. If you ask me, they appear very arrogant, world first focused know it psychologists & use scripture as profit, promotion and a cover for dishing out advice that can only lead someone deeper into the world...I believe in grace - what I don't believe in is weak faith & I don't like wolves in sheep's clothing posed & ready to take another down with day they will account for sending folks on a uturn when what they were seeking was truthful guidance in a time of pain and weakness.
LUKE 6:32 - 36
Anonymous said...I appreciate your musings Pastor Rick. They really help confirm the principles from the Word on other-centered love that our Saviour revealed so beautifully for us. He is our example & commands us to take up our cross daily & follow Him. So clear also are His teachings in the sermon on the Mt. Matt. 5&6, that if these boundaries are how we are suppose to live,then we'd have lots of "boundary" excuses not to obey him! Jesus, as the spotless Lamb of God,had more reason than any other human being to be a boundary setter. I'm sooo glad He did'nt or I'd have been lost. Instead, He loved me at any cost to Himself! Hallelujah!
Henry Cloud's books, including Boundaries and Changes That Heals, bother me quite a bit.
In Boundaries, he really is emphasizing "say No to others to protect yourself," but hardly mentions "say No to self for other's good."
This is contrary to the Bible's teaching of sacrificial love.
In Changes That Heal, I think he simply does not understand what is the image of God!
About the comment from Vicki about having heard that a man was advised to sign divorce papers, that is my experience almost exactly when I refused to sign legal separation documents because I felt it would make me a liar when I never had wanted separation from my wife in the first place even though she did. Later my pastor and an elder told me that I had the spirit of rebellion and when I asked for an example they very quickly mentioned that one example was that I had refused to sign separation documents. Unbelievable. They said it was supposed to be for our mutual protection in case I got sued and could not pay and declared bankruptcy and then my wife would lose her shirt. I told them straight out that keeping a covenant trumps material security any day and that perhaps this is one reason there are so few miracles in our part of the world becasue God looks down from heaven and sees all the different kinds of insurance we buy for everything and anything and He says,'they don't really need me because they only cry to me when all their own little schemes fail'. I think we all know that the Truth will come out sooner or later and for sure in the End but its tough to see wolves in sheep clothing getting away with leading a good portion of God's flock astray with another Gospel called Boundaries.
We are not called to make personal boundaries
We are called to overcome our limits to love and do good.
I enjoy the books. From someone who grew up with no self worth or had no concept of boundaries and always wanted to please people to the point I almost burnt out, I think it has some good points. I see boundaries as taking ownership of your own feelings and behaviour as well as not allowing people to abuse or walk all over you. Jesus displayed somewhat boundaries when he step aside after performing miracles and prayed alone with his father. Isn't there a passage that teaches us to guard our hearts because it is a well spring of life? No where in the books do the authors encourage to put up boundaries out of selfish motives. It is always in love and to guard your heart. It doesn't mean not love them. You dont go and throw your pearls to pigs who will trample on it either. I don't agree with everything in the book, but I believe they have sought out God's input. Who am I to criticize their work? I don't think they have selfish motives for writing this book either. We are living in different times. The world is constantly changing. A few stories I have read, I think that those people who put those strong "boundaries" have misunderstood the intention and meaning behind boundaries.
Jesus, yes, is the only one who can bring healing. But we have counselors and books like this that God uses to bring healing into people's lives, like mine, so I wouldn't shut down some ideas completely. In the end, it is your opinion.
Thank you for this. Helps me to understand the book a bit better. We read it and I hated it. My husband uses his "boundaries" to say that if I treat him poorly then he's leaving for X amount of time. To me, that's controlling and not loving. Is that what the book is teaching about boundaries? It's ruining are already hurting marriage. I'm miserable.
I must respectfully disagree with your review. While many people misuse the concept of boundaries to justify cruel and selfish behaviour, the concept is a sound one. I have spent too many decades in churches that abused people and burdened them with inappropriate guilt using Scripture as a weapon. Townsend does a great job of explaining the difference between bearing one another's burdens while being responsible for one's own load. Having grown up in a classic alcoholic family, I had to let God heal a lot and teach me the difference between false and real guilt and between what He wanted of me as opposed to what others wanted of me. People without boundaries confuse people-pleasing with God-pleasing. I was that kind of person until it led to a breakdown which ultimately led to a healthy relationship with God and others. Before that I was not free to be the person God created me to be. But boy did I feel spiritual for letting others take advantage of me!
I am grateful to God for using Townsend's book to help so many troubled Christians.
Pastor Rick,
Thank you for speaking the truth concerning the book "Boundaries". It has destroyed the relationship between my daughter and myself. She has pretty much shut me out of her life. She even went so far to tell me that she just wanted me to be just a friend. I will always love her no matter what she says or does. I never have a day pass that I don't think about her and the rest of the family. I have cried a gallon of tears and prayed much for her. It is heart breaking to see someone read and believe the lies this book promotes. All I can think is Satan did the same thing when he twisted God's Words. This book is the lie of the Devil. It brings in a wrong spirit. Your page helped me to understand more what has happened to her. Thank for your review.
your suggestion makes sense. I believe the reviewer was pointing us back to the bible as the alternative book. There is so much in scripture to teach us how to handle these problems in life. The human heart sometimes just doesn't want to do what is suggested because it would require us dying to ourselves. As Christ demonstrated for us when in all His power, He died on the cross and paid the price for what He did not do. To save mankind
Read the Gospels. We are to pray for our enemies. Bless those who curse us and turn the other cheek I believe. Why are we the church getting deceived so easily by psychology and teachings of men. Have we stopped reading our bibles or having a relationship with the Lord? Did we trade a pill for the Creator the one who can and will and has healed us? What's up with us? We are supposed to be as wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove. I read some of this book and was getting check marks in my spirit. it did not seem biblical!
It might be good if you read Ed Welch's article on the actual book written by Cloud and Townsend. I think it offers great insight and answers questions posed by those who have commented and asked "if not Boundaries, then what?"
To many of your commenters have simply said "someone erected a boundary on me and it's destroyed our relationship". I would wager to say that those who have been hurt by boundaries being set were probably not willing to "work through" the relationship struggles with those who set those boundaries. Relationships are tough. Two sinful people trying to come together will inevitably have problems. Boundaries are helpful. But, boundaries as a guideline to life isn't helpful. We are called to love, to give, to sacrifice. However, there are healthy ways of doing this in life. The bottom line of Ed Welch's article on Boundaries is that we need wisdom. There is no simple answer.
I believe in this blog post, you have attempted to give just that...a simple answer. Boundaries tries to give a simple answer "erect boundaries". You have given the opposite simple, and trite, answer "boundaries are not biblical".
Take a moment and read Ed Welch's article.
I knew there was something funny about him. And how his books are more about self than Christ. But you pastor Rick have hit it right on the nail with the truth of total depravity. Because it's not "self help" that saves, but it's by the truth of God's Holy Spirit through His word that helps people get saved: "In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation-- having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise," (Ephesians 1:13)
Same here brother. My wife read this book and after 22 years of marriage I was served with divorce papers this week. She gave me a list of expectations that I must meet or she moves our. Boundaries is a dangerous book. It creates extreme selfishness in readers minds. My wife has become cold and distant.
FYI, Ed Welch wrote another article in The Journal of Biblical Counseling in the Spring 2004 volume called "Boundaries in Relationships." Someone asked for other critiques of the Boundaries series of book, and this article would be a more lengthy review.
Thank you for this Biblical rebuttal to a purely secular proposition that encourages selfishness, self-centeredness and self-idolatry. I am involved in a church where the Associate Pastor promotes her "boundaries" to the detriment of all she is called to serve, and boundaries thinking has spread predictably like a virus. Cloud and Townsend have done Christianity a great disservice by providing a justification for, and even masking as Biblical our worst sins. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. We are called to live self-sacrificing, self-giving, Christ-centered lives; that and only that, as imperfect and sinful as we are, is the only mode of Christian living supported by Biblical teaching.
Within a few months after reading this book in spring of 2014, she became selfish and it was all about her boundaries. We began counseling but after a year of sessions, we unfortunately ended our 23 year marriage. I never saw her shed a tear during the process. I just wonder how many other marriages have ended because of the adaptation of the unbiblical principles in this book.
I hurt for you my brother to hear your pain and anguish. I think there are probably an untold number of other marriages and relationships that have been done a great disservice by application of the boundaries teachings. When I separated from my wife just over 5 years ago I knew that she was enamored with the boundaries teachings. I read them too and there were just some things that struck me as very wrong about them. Someone suggested that I read an article on Christian Discernment website:
This is a very long and detailed and thoroughly biblical and objective review of the Boudaires teachings. If this is too long, then read a shorter review:
This will give you at least a brief introduction into what could be wrong with the
Boundaries teachings
I would actually encourage anyone who is thinking of reading these reviews to first read an article called Statement of Purpose:
This article corresponds to the top tab on the home page of Christian Reading this article will put you in touch with the heart of the person who is writing these articles. You will quickly see that there is compassion and understanding and not any motivation to discredit or to rip apart any of the teachings that are being reviewed on this website. For me that is hugely important and totally in keeping with the teachings of Jesus to love our enemies.
But reading these articles including the reviews on Boundaries will give almost anyone with an open mind a much clearer understanding of what actually are the errors in the Boundaries teachings especially from a biblical perspective. It is quite incredible that these two highly educated and Christian writers could possibly be prescribing these kinds of remedies of Christian coated psychology when all the necessary answers are already there in the Word of God, except that for most of us we are either too ignorant of the full scope of Truth in the Word of God or simply too unmotivated to do our own research to find what is waiting there for us to discover on our own. It just takes time but we all have more than enough time to check our cell phones how many times every day??
In one sense of the word there are times when boundaries might be needed between people, but only in the strictest sense of that word. Far more correct and appropriate would be to say that there are times when we need to apply respect, and honor, and obedience and probably a few other principles like that. These words carry far more and far deeper meaning and significance than the word boundary. The word boundary to me implies a cold and sterile and impersonal barrier and I think it is never right to treat another person that way no matter what they have done to us, its just wrong. Otherwise it was also wrong that Jesus taught us to love our enemies.
But I know very well the hurt that can be caused by boundaries. My wife divorced me about two and a half years after applying boundaries and has treated me like I did not exist ever since. Not even a normal divorce I would say. No communication. Nothing. And she calls herself a Christian! That defines deception and that is what I think this teaching is, pretty close to a heresy. My heart goes out to all others out there who have been hurt in some way by this false teaching which is masquerading as some wonderful self help which really empowers the user to become very self centered and selfish without realizing it.
May God give us great compassion to pray for all those who have been caught in this wonderful web of deception.
That horrible book has cost me my relationship with my only daughter and the mother of my only grand child. I wish it had never been written. We were a close family until she read that book! My daughter was never self centered and uncaring about the feelings of others until she read and began implementing the things taught in that book.
So very sorry to read about your pain. I am into my seventh year now that I have not seen my grandchildren and five years since I last saw my daughter. She will not let me see my grandchildren. Cannot prove its the Boundaries teachings but it would not surprise me because that is what her mother, my ex wife, believes and she divorced me four years ago. You are not alone, I know how it hurts.
Thank you so much for this blog. The comments posted here are my story as well. My daughter has adopted this book as her Bible and has managed to alienate all immediate family members with strong admonishments to others to read this book (in an angry and aggressive tone). So I took it upon myself to have my copy burned outside. But for now I must wait till God moves in her life but for now we are loosing precious days of our life. Sad sad sad.
I am having difficulty working with a person I have known for years, and was actually very fond of. I had never worked closely with her until now. She mentioned that she reads this book about twice a year to refresh her mind on the concepts. During our work together, I have found that I am working with an individual who has control issues, and an inflated sense of self. She is almost narcissistic. Working with her is extremely difficult, because she wants to take control very subtly because, well, she is the best and smartest and her ideas of course are the best. The frustrating thing is she tries to take control in a very manipulative and secretive manner (sound like anyone you know???????) Sadly, if questioned about her motives or actions, she takes license to silence you through her God given right to put up a boundary. If she had not mentioned she read this book so frequently, I would be completely stumped by her behavior. If she were my employee, I would have to fire her, because she doesn't work by the rules of civility, where you return phone calls, and answer questions as to if and why you have taken certain steps on a project. What she needs is to be drawn to repentance by the goodness of Jesus Christ. This book is a stumbling block to biblical repentance. One of the false gospels referred to in Galatians. Maybe there is some truth sprinkled in there, but that is how Satan works. He mixes truth with lies. That is how he deceived Eve in the beginning.
I read through several reviews before it began to became apparent that people were lamenting how the book destroyed what they thought was all-in-all great/ok/mutually satisfying relationships. I can't help but venture a painful observation... Does it occur to those lamenting the loss of relationship that perhaps those who pulled away do not share that sense of loss? When someone pulls away from us, could it be something about us that drove them away? I know those reflective questions are painful to ask. But if your oblivious to how bad a relationship, is that not a sign that maybe there's a problem there? Is it possible that you might have lost someone that you dominated? Can you see that those exiting the relationship lost less than you did because of that self-centeredness? If we really believe in the depravity thing, maybe we should think about how our depravity effects others? In other words, maybe instead of giving this article an amen it should drive us to repentance and confession. As far as the critique, it was shoddy to say the least.
I agree with you. Many of these people saying boundries are bad have either had no low self esteem and ended up in abusive relationship or they are the ones that biundries are being plased on them and they dont like it. Boundries are nessessary of any relationship specially abusive relationships
I'm very concerned about the influence this book is having on my adult children. One of my children and family have become withdrawn from me without directly talking to me about what caused the rift between us. Thankfully I still have some contact with them. They recommended the book to my second child and family who cut off all contact with me without my child talking to me about the reasons for the alienation. This child was always close to me as a teen and adult. I sought out a Christian counselor who wants me to read the book. I've been bothered though that the book is supposed to be Christian, but ignores the scripture "honor your father and mother". It also seems to be ignoring many scriptures dealing with forgiveness, love and charity. I've already read many Christian books and articles on "tough love" and, in reading the introduction to this book, I realized I didn't struggle with the boundaries issues in the introduction. Yes, I still struggle with some boundaries issues, but I am not comfortable reading this book to improve myself and my situation at the risk of alienating myself from my aging parents. I have instead found a book about healing from family rifts. It's greatly helping me deal with the lose I'm experiencing at this time.
After once again being left dazed and confused by my sister's abrupt distancing herself from me, I remembered that some time ago she had recommended to me a book called "Boundaries." After doing an initial investigation of the book, and realizing that it is immersed in psychology, as a Bible-believing Christian I had no problem dismissing it. But today I felt compelled to search it out again. Then I "happened" upon this site.
Here I have found so many answers to my troubled relationship with my sister. And while I cannot say that the book is the origin of our problems, I can say that I believe it definitely widened the gap. My sister is a profession Christian; but she is not a practicing one. She has always had an independent and rebellious spirit--kept in check mostly through long-suffering efforts of the rest of the family. But now she will not hear advice, recommendations, concerns, reproof, or even accountability for anything she says or does. Everything that is meant for her good is now turned into a reason to further cut herself off from any word that she might find uncomfortable. And the gap continues to widen.
I can see how someone might use this book as a way to give license to rude and selfish behavior. What ever happened to the old classics such as A.W. Tozer's "Humility," and William Law's "A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life?" Why do Christians continue to desire books that build up self--and refuse to read those that will show them how to die to self?
My name is "Mystical-1" and I just submitted a comment to this blog on the book "Boundaries." in the last paragraph of my comment I made a mistake. I mentioned the book "Humility" and gave credit to "Tozer." But the book was actually written by Andrew Murray.
If you decide to post my comment, I would be grateful if you would make this correction.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Currently reading 'When Your World Makes No Sense', by Dr Henry Cloud. Question about boundaries, scripture came to mind, 'be in the world, but not of it' sounds like setting boundaries in your relationships outside of Christ. Also about restoring a fallen brother or sister, but be careful lest you become tempted also and fall? Haven't read the book in question, but the book I'm reading seems to make sense, and has spoken to me in areas of struggle. Of course I did google this topic for critical review.
My wife of 31 years and I have had some difficulties due to my not being a steady spiritual leader among some other issues, nothing really catastrophic. Well she got this Boundaries book and started attending a support group to discuss the concepts of the book. To start with the class had 6 people in it plus a female leader. 2 of the people were men. In the 2nd week 2 of the women dropped out leaving 2 women and 2 men. The leader paired them up men/women to discuss a list of questions. These questions were intimate in nature and the leader expected for the people who are potentially having marital issues and boundary setting issues to discuss with a stranger of the opposite sex their inability or challenges to set boundaries in their marriage. What the heck? The only way I was able to get her to realize this was a terrible boundary issue was to ask the couple we go to counseling to discuss the issue. They immediately recognized the lack of good judgement on the leaders part and said this was not s good support group to engage with. Thankfully she stopped going. But she continued to read the book. When she began stating that I had crossed boundaries and she's was not happy with the marriage, she told me she needed to consider separating and go stay with her mother for a while she could work things out. I am mortified of this book as I began reading its concepts to understand what I'm dealing with. This book is total heiresy, it's a Christian culture accepted mash up of psychology and scripture. It's scary as hell as I am seeing my marriage potentially crumble right in front of my eyes.
I truly don't know what to do. I feel managed by the book right now. She gets frustrated if I haven't done something she expects and then threatens with protecting her boundaries. I am certainly making changes in my life, getting closer to my Lord and trying to be the leader he has called me to be. But I feel part of that I'm doing is in fear of the consequences (her leaving me), and I don't believe this is a godly way of treating each other.
After reading so many comments of marriages destroyed by this book on this and other boundaries book debunking websites, I am convinced that this book cannot help our marriage it is going to destroy it. Its like Inception where she now has a concept that she thinks is biblical and she feels empowered to self-protect and totally control reconciliation. There is not any oneness, there is no grace, and she is being driven and ruling by this boundaries concept.
If someone has advice as to how to stop this death spiral I would greatly appreciate if you would post and help me hold on to the wife of my dreams the love of my life.
it's really sad to me how many men have am issue with this book because their wives are starting to set boundaries in their marriage. There are so many broken marriages because biblical foundations are misinterpreted. God calls husbands to live their wives as Christ loved the church. He chose the nails. Most of you have probably mistreated your wives for so long they're just now learning how to love themselves and make their well being a priority but will make mistakes along the way. The righteous response would be to welcome the boundaries, respect them, and understand that they're in a process too.
Anonymous married 31 years: It sounds like your wife is using the book to hold your marriage hostage which could lead to resentment instead of growth. We are to serve one another, counting others better than ourselves, not demanding "what's in it for me". Jesus showed us the true example of grace and forgiveness on the cross. I'm one of those who struggled with the book, not the blogger, but I would advise you to ask your wife to see a couples counselor and ask her to keep an open mind about the tools used by the counselor.
So sorry to hear of your sad situation Anonymous, but I and many other people can relate quite well to what you are going through and what might happen. Hard to believe there would even be comments to support boundaries. I lost my marriage to boundaries too 5 years ago when my wife divorced me against my wishes. There was nothing I could do to stop her and I really tried hard to appeal to her not to do it. But I have peace even though I am sad about what she has done. Over eight years I have had almost no contact with her even though we are in the same large church, easy to hide. I want contact, no boundaries from me, not her. But I leave her alone as she wishes. More recently I think the Lord has been showing me that boundaries can result in a spiritual stronghold under a clever guise of rational and even some twisted Scriptural reasoning. We are not in a fight against flesh and blood so there is no point getting upset at the authors of that book, or even getting upset at people who believe in their teachings. Its beyond human abilities to change that boundaries business, only God can. So, I say to you, work at getting healing for yourself and confess every sin to God and to anyone else affected so that you may obtain peace in your heart which is far more precious even than saving your marriage. I have come to realize that it is better to be single than to be treated as I was by a wife who was using boundaries to hurt me. Healing will take time, but in God's time it will come to you and you will be okay.
I know an older 81 yr old lady in my church who also has had boundaries used against her by her son and daughter in law for 25 yrs already. There is a relationship but it is strictly controlled and she has very very little contact with her young adult grandsons which is hurting her terribly. Also, my daughter uses boundaries against me to keep me from seeing my grandchildren, will be 8 years in October since I last saw them. You cannot tell me that God is smiling when these kinds of things go on among Christians. No way. There is just enough Christian content in Boundaries to confuse and deceive a lot of well meaning Christian people into thinking it is legitimate. There are more than enough comments on this site to support the conclusion that Boundaries is one of those poisoned wells we are warned to avoid in Proverbs 14:27 -- The Fear-of-God is a spring of living water
so you won’t go off drinking from poisoned wells.
Yes, the Fear of God and the Word of God are like pure and clean and life giving water sufficient for us to be able to manage all our human relationships for His glory and our most important relationship of all, with our Heavenly Father, Who never resorts to boundaries to keep us in our place. Praise God for that! Amen.
Thank you Mr. Janzen for your commentary and advice. I'm about 2 years out from the
"Borders" in marriage result (23 years of marriage ended) my now ex-wife instituted in her life. Although some I have moments of peace I find myself in tears many times each week, hopefully that will pass.
Some of the things I've noticed:
Followers of boundaries become quite adept at becoming blind to their transgressions, while self-righteously pointing out yours. Instead of a log in the their eye, its more than a giant Redwood tree. My ex-wife has such a control issue now, believing she can control events and consequences because she controls who she lets into her life. As we all should know, God is in control, and we are merely to try to be the least sinful we can be, and deal with day to day problems following our Christian beliefs.
One of the things I've also noticed is a large portion of the boundaries followers seem to get the relationship order wrong. I'm referring to God first, marriage second, children third, etc. After reading the "boundaries" book, my ex-wife, she put herself first, children second, God third.
I wondering if others have witnessed this same result? I would hope some of the others who have posted on here can answer this question. I believe someone who is an established author could write a book about keeping the relationship order versus the boundaries philosophy of self first. To me, this subject is the overwhelming cause of the deterioration of marriages. It could be the father or the mother, but putting the marriage after the children, has such a negative effect on the marriage, it ends up damaging the relationship with the children, certainly an unintended consequence, but nonetheless, a real consequence.
One spouse believes putting the marriage behind other relationships is beneficial to the children when it not biblically sound and ends up harming the relationship with the children through a destroyed marriage.
Perhaps, but the book contains a great deal more than this and very much oversteps its position, disturbingly often giving their own claims as scriptural or as 'what God wants' (an expression, not a quote). While some details found in the book are true, you will find that those with which Pastor Rick and I agree are those which are found in scripture- thus, the book contains some lies, and whatever truth it contains is also found in the bible. Clearly, then, a better choice than to read this book for wisdom is to read the bible for wisdom. I'm sure this is the viewpoint of all of us who agree with Pastor Rick based on biblical standards (although I do see comments by people who are simply against the teaching for personal reasons).
Dear Pastor Rick. I am so glad to read this - I get feelings (thank God for the Unction of the Holy Spirit) and there is a group of mostly Japanese women that meet every Monday Night and they are recommending this book. I am now back in the US and it frightens me how this kind of insipid gooey relationship stuff gets into our thinking. May I ask everyone who reads this comment please pray for this group of new believers that they would be protected and continue to focus on the word of God which is able to penetrate... THANK YOU
I am a woman and I have as hard time with "boundries". It's like saying grace will only go so far. Love will only go so far. Giving will only go so far. Mercy will only go so far. I thank God that Jesus went all the way; that His love never came to an end and because of that won my total devotion. I believe boundries are contrary to the message and power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Very well said, Therese.The Gospel of Jesus Christ goes all the way, past any humanly devised boundaries. Boundaries is one of those false gospels that Paul warned about in Galatians 1. There is certainly some truth if there if one looks carefully to find it. I believe all Truth is God's Truth no matter where it may be as was written about by Frank E. Gaebelein in his book, The Pattern of God's Truth:
But why look for God's Truth in and among other other teachings that are clearly suspect? Only a Christian who is not well grounded in the Truth of the Word of God would yield to allowing themselves to be drawn in more and more into accepting and believing Truth that is contaminated by association with the doctrines of men. Jesus warned his disciples about that in Matthew 15:8, 9:
“‘This people honors me with their lips,
but their heart is far from me;
9 in vain do they worship me,
teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’”
Boundaries is a mix of doctrines of God and doctrines of men, like putting different fruit into a blender to create a smoothie, very delicious but later you really have little idea what the original ingredients were. Boundaries is a Christian smoothie. But it is not the only one, there are more.
I do not think writing a book will eradicate Boundaries, although a few people might notice. Even if Billy Graham would have preached against it, Boundaries would still retain a following, because our human side wants to accept rational explanations for the problems of life and Boundaries does seem to offer rational solutions to relationship problems. The answers that we find in the Bible are not always rational, they are more difficult to accept and to implement, but they are the right ones, and will always be proven right in the end, even if in the beginning they might not seem to make sense.
For those of us who have been stung by what Boundaries has done to us and our families, we need to continue keep our eyes focused on Jesus, and on Him alone, the Author and Perfecter of our faith [Hebrews:12;2] He had more reasons by far than any of us to feel cheated and betrayed, and He was, but he stayed the course, right to the end. Amen.
I was in Dr. Cloud's Facebook group, and was asked to provide a testimonial for the site because I was "so helpful." The next week, after voicing spiritual concerns and mentioning the bible, AND some of the advice he gives, I was kicked out of the group, my email and twitter following blocked and NO ONE will give me a reason why. I was not being inappropriate, and the only thing I did was bring God/Bible into the conversation.
The man is violating standard psychological ethics practices, and does NOT practice what he preaches about "having difficult conversations." DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS MAN, nor follow his teachings. The Bible does indeed talk about boundaries, but not in the way he approaches it. Christ, for instance, was tired and drew away from the crowds to get time to Himself. A boundary. We ARE to care for others, but not for things they can do for themselves - ie. If a man can work, but doesn't, he shouldn't eat. God holds us all accountable for our own decisions and actions. He's clear about that throughout the word. But Cloud's "hammer" is psychology" so everything looks like a nail.
My husband and I are going through the same thing. We have been banned from our grown children's lives after 25 years of a good relationship. I tracked down this book by some of the quotes we have gotten. One day they got mad and that was it. Apparently, they are adults now and until we meet their demands we are not allowed to contact them. Forgive me I didn't know this is how adults act. Reading this book to figure out what we are dealing with.
Not only in this book's also plagiarized. it is a completely false teaching. Boundaries was published in 1992. In 1991, Anne Katherine, M.A. wrote a secular book, called "Boundaries, Where You End and I Begin," and it is word for word the exact same book, minus the bible verses.
Not only advertises his book on as a self-help guide for Boundaries...but taking away all the biblical aspects of it.
Not only this...But when searching all his Youtube videos, He uses the same 3-4 bible verses for all of his sermon topics...which generally speak to either tithing or the necessity for psychological counseling...and even in one of the videos, shows a need for legal action as a boundary, which lo and behold, the lawyers are some his congregants and financial backers.
Thank you, Thank you! I stumbled on this book recommended on the site "Focus on the Family" because our estranged daughter and son-in-law have been using the word "boundaries" as justification of their estrangement. Chapter 7 speaks of setting boundaries with family and after reading it, my husband and I were in shock at how the authors have taken Biblical passages out of context and used Christ's words to disintegrate families, including ours. Our adult children are told on page. 133 "we need to forsake our allegiance to our family and become adopted by God" (Matthew 23:9). It goes on to say that "Adults who are still holding an allegiance to earthly parents have not realized their new adoptive status". On page 136 the authors warn "Be careful not to get sucked into a controlling situation (sic: with your parents) again because your wish for reconciliation is so strong." The examples given as controlling are completely subjective. On page 125-126 an adult daughter visits her parents in another state and has to endure them wishing she was lived closer as they desire a more "hands-on" relationship with their growing grandchildren. Or in another case, a man calls his mom on the phone and she complains he doesn't call her enough. Good Grief! Call your mom more. There are other examples and I do agree that you put your spouse ahead of your parents, but this book is more than that. We are seeing so many Christian adult children estrange from loving and solid families. This chapter is jumbled. It does give one sentence to Matthew 18:15 about the Biblical way to solve conflict, but the focus is on setting boundaries that are actually walls, demand and control. It is not discussion, love, acceptance, patience, kindness or grace.
What frightens and bothers me about these books is they empty the cross of its power. If we could fix ourselves with a bit of self help and psychology, then we don't need a Saviour!
My 21 year old daughter started dating a guy whom everyone had red flags about. We vocalized our concerns & In retaliation he dug his heals in & caused much pain and division in our home. Like many girls do when they have emotional attachment, my daughter tarried over what to do. She didn't want to believe that "Mr. Wonderful" was lying & manipulating her. He gave her an ultimatum. If she married him he would require "boundaries" & my future grandchildren wouldn't be allowed in our lives. He said, "I won't make you choose. I'll choose for you. I will break up with you because your parents won't change"
Then she read the book boundaries & just packed her things and left one day in secret. She wouldnt take our calls. She would only accept text or messages on social media. "Boundaries" were in place. Later she told a friend, "The boundaries book changed my life" Now she has cut off everyone who doesn't agree with her bad choices. If we see her she sets time limits like she's making a dental appointment. She won't go to counciling with us & she told her sister that she's missing everyone terribly but she says it's all a normal part of the process. After all the book says that this wont be easy.
This book has destroyed our family. And one day my daughter will realize that too, but then it will be too late.
I am so disappointed this book has made its way into the body of Christ. I have 3 close friends who have been cut off from their daughters and grandchildren because of this book. It’s very destructive and it has made into my church which had been rock solid in the word. When I tried to share my concerns with withleadership it was rejected. Only the word of God will produce healthy relationships.
The book "Boundaries" has destroyed my family!
Thanks to Cloud and Townsend, my wife and I have been estranged from our eldest daughter and her family for eight years. Their book, "Boundaries" became her bible, far more so than the Bible itself. Forgiveness and reconciliation is the heart of the gospel; the authors give their readers excuses for not pursuing restoration in familial relationships. Frankly, it's a challenge to avoid cynicism toward millennial and Gen Z adults. So many blame their parents for virtually all of their faults and struggles in life. Many in our generation will attest to my assertion.
I am shocked by how many have lost fellowship with their adult children as a result of the book. I too have been estranged from my son and daughter in law, and my grandchildren for a year now. We used to be very close, we even worshiped together. Now I am deemed as disrespectful, and a liar by them. We were given basically a list of demands (boundaries) to meet in order to be graced with their presence. Yet no opportunity has been given for us to discuss, or act on these demands. Before this all hit the fan, they were reading Boundries with their friends in a small group. My daughter in law made a few comments of Boundries and her liking it, and how enlightening it was. I had read the book in the past and agreed that it was helpful for me too, she seemed a bit put off I had read the book.
I read Boundries, years ago, I actually liked the book. I tend to be a people pleaser and struggle when rejected, so tools to keep myself from bowing to people instead of my God are useful. I noticed there was little Bible reference, but I read the Bible daily, so I suppose I kept perspective. I do remember being very excited about the gleanings and wanted to start a study with my church, that did not pan out. Thank God.
I went back to the book recently to see if there could be something they or I could have misunderstood that caused this rift in our relationship, I couldn't read one page. My mind could not attend to it. After reading all of these comments and majority of them being of lost relations due to this book, I realize Satan has used this to divide and conquer.
I pray God will erase this evil from our loved ones minds and restore them to us.
Like so many others, my family has suffered a deeply due to this horrible book. Like others, we are now cut-off from my daughter and our darling granddaughters. We once enjoyed a rich and joyful relationship with these dear ones. As of August 2019, my daughter has basically divorced us from the family. She did not consult her husband and she dismissed his strong objections after the deed was done.
The letter began with an abrupt "Read this". She quoted many of the cultish teachings found in the Boundaries book... like God being her only father, and that I am dismissed without having a voice in the matter. I'm allowed no place, standing or part in the family due to my "sins". Sins? I am a flawed person, but I have never been abusive, unkind or rude. Nothing dangerous or harmful has been done. The same twisted use of scripture was used to justify her abuse and dishonoring behavior.
As for "boundaries" her husband's objections meant nothing to her nor the wishes of our granddaughters. All communication attempts have fruitless to date. Unless my daughter wakes up from this cultish mindset, more damage will be done to our family. It will take a Road to Damascus encounter with Jesus to awaken my daughter. May God powerfully act in her case and with so many others I read about just now.
I have prayed far more, and more intensely for my daughter than ever. I see good in this. God hears every word and is already acting. What did Jesus say to Saul? It is hard for you to fight your conscience. Saul/Paul believed he was doing right, but somewhere within him it wasn't working. Those under the influence of cultish thinking have to work at it or face the truth. Pride and shame hold them back. Truth is that many of us would joyfully forgive at the drop of a hat.
We will pray for our loved ones.
It would be great to hear testimonies of recovery from this cultish book and the harm it has brought. Please share when a break through happens.
I come in agreement with you. We lost our daughter also because of this evil. All I can do is pray.
Pastor Rick, thank you for your review of the book. I have had someone try to use the concept of boundaries on me for no explainable reason. It has hurt a long time friendship. It is clearly a concept derived from secular psychology. We have all we need in the Scriptures (II Pet. 1:3-4).
Does your review apply to the 2017 edition of Boundaries? I ask, because the authors could have changed things a lot, given all the negative criticism about the original edition. In particular, I would like to know if their statement, "Like, God, our central need is to be connected" is still in the 2017 edition. If I were to read the book, that one statement would cause me to throw the book in the trash as soon as I read it. My friend has encouraged me to read the 2017 edition and so I am wondering if that statement is in it. I could use that alone to explain to him why the book should be avoided.
I have a similar story to many others. This book has destroyed a once healthy and loving relationship with our son. After getting married and introduced to the concept of Boundaries, our son has turned his back on his family. He has gone so far as to refuse to communicate with his mother and father in any way. We have been "canceled".
This is an evil book. Satan has found a way to deceive Christians into thinking that leading a selfish life is justified and honorable. The authors of Boundaries have the blood of many ruined relationships on their hands!
I am praying that God will provide a way to undo the horrific damage caused by this book.
In my family we are all what could be described as doormats. We believe that if we are really nice to people then they have to nice to us. We are very generous but also fail to take responsibility for our own path in life. So the Boundaries book was revolutionary for myself. But I can see how the self help type books and even psychotherapy and counselling can really lead to plain narcissism. You get some relief by blaming everyone else about problems which only leads to despair. Because we have forgotten the very power of the bible. It suddenly clicked with me while watching a documentary on Albert Ellis. He was talking about cognitive behaviour therapy as well as psychotherapy. He mentioned that he switched from psychotherapy to the precurser of cognitive behaviour therapy - rational emotive behaviour therapy because psychotherapy "is less help than what people had gained from reading their bibles before psychotherapy was developed".We've forgotten how powerful the Bible is as Christians. It can be lonely reading the bible, praying and attending church. Lonely when secular culture has netflix, amazon shopping, festivals, fancy houses and holidays, seemingly easy and satisfying sexual encounters (although of course sex is tied with our souls so lust can never come without a deadly cost). I would say that my Generation X has not supported the local churches they live near. And of course those churches have done bad things as well as good. But because the churches are so weak people including christians have turned to secular messages which titillate the mind. There is a huge amount which is right with modern psychology and lots which is good for a lot of people in the Boundaries series of books. But if you read Ron Hubbards book on Dianetics there's a lot right with that book too. Same with the book The Secret. We need the transformation of the gospel. Not that psychology is bad - just that it cannot transform us from knowing certain facts.
Amazing. Thanks for this
This Satan filled book destroyed our family too. I can't tell you the pain and sorrow on a regular basis my husband and I feel. We not only loss one daughter and son in law who is a pastor ( not preaching as of yet ) but our younger daughter and son in law. We lost eight grandchildren who are not allowed to see us or call and a baby on the way who we will probably never be able to see. We have begged, asked forgiveness for anything we could of done to cause this separation so many times we don't know what we are even asking forgiveness for, but it has fallen on deafening ears. Over the years I've cried a ocean. The emptiness that has taken hold within my heart is only eased by the love of my LORD. The thought of dying without my grandchildren knowing my love for them is overbearing at times. All I can do is pray that the Lord carries me through this valley. Another heartache is my sisters, brother in laws, niece's and nephew's who I've tried over the years to bring to the Lord has been ruined because of my daughter's. They have made remarks saying if that's what a Christian acts like toward their parents, then we want no part of it. Can you imagine the humiliation and hurt this has caused us! It's only by GOD'S grace that I even want to get up and face the day. I'm praying before the Lord calls us home, they will see the light and come home where we will be waiting with open arms.
to unknown and all the dear saints who are grieving from loss of loved ones due to Satans schemes. God is greater than Satan, God is greater than this book. Pray pray pray for those who have been deceived by this book- Pray that their relationship with God our Father is restored! Think of that, this book has had them draw lines with those who do not perform as they deem fit for them. This will include God. Just to not love other brothers in Christ is disobedience to God. Pray FOR THEM. Restoration will come to you when their relationship with God is restored. God please, reach into the hearts of each and everyone who has been deceived by the writings in this book- the schemes of Satan. Give them a yearning, a desire to draw closer to you. God please have them forget and put all of these lies away. Bring them humility, to you Father, that they turn to you and not themselves and not their boundaries. Give them ears for the Truth, your Truth. God you know their hearts and what they need most, You. Amen
This book is the best weapon in the Narcissist's hands. It has caused so much destruction to families. It's caused a lot of pain to innocent people. Grandchildren cannot be with their grandparents, parents are separated from their grown children. This book teaches people to be uncompassionate is OK and is acceptable by God this is a complete lie from hell, and so is tthis book.
The alternative is the Bible.
This teaching has me very concerned for the church as a whole. My son and daughter in law follow this teaching religiously. No grandchildren contact for me. đŸ˜¢ what I need to find is how to interact with them from their point of view without embracing this teaching, which I will never do. Are
There any area of teaching on how to deal with boundary makers?
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